This Article is a follow-up to our previous article on "Foreclosure Victims Helping Foreclosure Victims," also available on, which examined the possibility of former foreclosure victims using their experience to help other homeowners in similar situations. This one will focus more on the details of actually finding some initial help in getting started in the foreclosure industry, as well as picking a mentor or company to work with in the beginning.
The foreclosure industry operates as far under the radar as possible, in most cases. Even though the experts are seriously attempting to help homeowners in desperate situations make the most of what opportunities they have, there is a perception that people who work with foreclosed houses are just out to take advantage of the homeowners. This is why there are plenty of foreclosure scam stories in the news, but not a whole lot of success stories, which are much more common. Many more homeowners are able to stop foreclosure than lose their homes and are evicted by the county sheriff, but there is often little sensationalism in interviewing foreclosure victims who were able to save their homes. The possibility of being exposed as a foreclosure scam, though, keeps many companies in line and persuades them to act with their clients best interests in mind.
However, a new person entering the foreclosure help industry might have trouble finding an actual apprenticeship or internship with a knowledgeable, experienced foreclosure expert. There will be various affiliate programs they can join, in order to learn how to negotiate with banks and put together repayment plans, loan modifications, and find other solutions, but these often involve plugging into an already-designed system, rather than learning the business from the ground up. Of course, the success one experiences with these systems would depend on how much work is put into them. Many of them provide useful services to homeowners to stop foreclosure, while others focus on just one or two methods to save a home. Each one will be different and offer a new perspective on the foreclosure industry.
The best way to gain experience in the field is probably to find someone in the industry that is respected, experienced, and has been in the same position for a number of years and ask them for a mentorship, either on a complimentary basis, or splitting profits from work done, or any other mutually beneficial arrangement. It will be up to the former foreclosure victims to locate a local company in the area or find one online that specializes in work that provides homeowners with real services.
And the only -- really, the only -- way to learn about foreclosures in depth is to talk to the people in danger of losing their homes. Every situation is unique and things can change in a matter of a few minutes or stagnate for months, depending on the circumstances: banks stonewall progress, attorneys lose paperwork or refuse to forward it to the lender, and foreclosure help companies may bail out at the last minute. A few months of experience will give the new specialist the basics of the foreclosure process and how it affects homeowners, but there will still be new stories and issues that crop up years later.
It is also a bit of an art finding out what is actually going on in any foreclosure situation. Homeowners are often so much in the dark that they have no real idea what is happening to them, how much time they have, or even if they have already lost their homes to a sheriff sale. Once the foreclosure expert can quickly define the problem, then they are probably halfway to helping the foreclosure victims figure out a solution. At that point, it is a matter of recommending various programs, providing a referral to another company that can provide the necessary services, or beginning the actual work of helping the homeowners stop foreclosure through the most effective means.
When contemplating a new career in the foreclosure industry, it is probably better to begin with some unofficial help from a trusted source, rather than strictly joining an organization or affiliate program long-term. If the former foreclosure victims seem entrepreneurial enough to take on the business as soon as they can and gain enough real world experience, there is no real need to get stuck with one company or another, unless it is for the experience of learning how various methods work to save a home from foreclosure.
The website provides homeowners with the resources they need to save their homes from foreclosure and work out community solutions to prevent foreclosure. With numerous options, from repayment plans to short sales to bankruptcy to avoid foreclosure, homeowners can put together a comprehensive plan that will allow them to stop foreclosure on their own and avoid potential scams. Visit the website today to download a free foreclosure e-book, browse through hundreds of pages of articles, blog entries, and general information, and research the most relevant and useful foreclosure information available on the web. Putting together a plan to "save my home" has never been so easy: |
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